November 01, 2004

9:23 p.m.

That's good stuff

What I last ate Poblano Chicken and rice
What I last drank a coke
Song in my head Ain't Even Done with the Night

I nearly peed in my pants laughing at Larry the Cable Guy on the radio talking about "eating underbritches." I thought to myself, "I really enjoy Larry the Cable Guy." It made me think of a long list of things I truly enjoy. I thought I'd share with the slippers (cheetah print preferred)
The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock
my fireplace
fresh sheets
throwing a sledgehammer into drywall
the huge goofy grin my baby inherited from her mama
pina coladas, getting caught in the rain...
when my husband does dumb things like "I'm not touching you..." (shhhh don't tell him.)
making spaghetti sauce
sleeping 8 hours
chocolate chip pancakes
Tamales y Atoles Any in Zihuatanejo, Mexico
the smell of fresh cut grass
laugh snorting
the last chapter of To Kill A Mockingbird
putting up the Christmas tree
When my dad grows his handlebar mustache
the dumbass dog
getting all my bills paid again
people from high school don't recognize me
a good pair of running shoes
Cafe du Monde coffee and beignets
The Sweet Potato Queens
Van Morrison's "And it Stoned Me"
that long lonely drive from Flagstaff to the 4 corners
kids missing their front teeth
food served "with a ________ cream sauce"
accidently drinking too much wine with friends
Folsom Prison Blues
Hell, any Johnny Cash
being right
the zoo
that funky feeling when you go in the pool right after shaving your legs
doing absolutley nothing
getting a massage
lame 80's music
pulling up to snooty men in BMW convetibles and business suits on cell phones in my Chevy truck and playing Redneck Woman REAL loud.
the Sunday paper
crossword puzzles

Speaking of, I have to go finish one. Let me know if you know a four letter word for "mate or music preceder"

posted by just-maggie at 9:23 p.m.
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