
9:57 p.m.

How I got here.

What I last ate
What I last drank
Song in my head

Really, at first I thought the webhost was dairyland.com.

This inital thought was strange to me as I came upon this diary (not dairy) concept after having one of those dreams where you wake and say, "Hmmmm." I was having one of those regular kind of dreams where regular stuff occurs. I think I was doing laundry.... Anyway, that's not important. What struck me was that I was apparently having conversation with an old friend I have not seen to talked to in a coon's age (Really, I don't know how long that is but I like to say it.) The, "Hmmm," was followed by, "I wonder whatever happened to..."

I do this. I'm sentimental. I'm the type of person who goes to high school reunions. I think they're fun. Then again, I was a big dork in high school so anything I do in life is an improvement. I digress.

So, I Googled my old friend. I find that funny to say and it almost sounds dirty, if not illegal. I find out my friend has a diary. I read bit of it. I'm also the type of person to read other people's stuff. Seriously, don't leave your mail out and then go to the bathroom if I'm at your house. I was so damn amused reading said friend's diary (all the while wondering what he's doing that connects him to dairy...)I couldn't stand it. So, I'm joining in on the diary thing.

I haven't had one of these since I was about, oh, 8. But what the hell. I find my thoughts mildly amusing and I stopped writing for some unknown reason several years back. I'm hoping to tap into that. We'll see what transpires...

posted by just-maggie at 9:57 p.m.
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