April 06, 2005

8:46 p.m.

All I needed to know...

What I last ate Lasagna
What I last drank Diet Coke
Song in my head You're no good.

Okay. I have recovered from my last vacation. My two week sinus headache from allergies has gone away. I am ready to go.

I would love to tell y'all about all the FUN I had in Jackson, MS for Mal's St. Paddy's Day Parade. But, it seems that no one laughs nearly as hard as I do in response to the stories. So, instead, I would pass on some gems of info I learned while there.

* Waving to crowds in a queenly manner is such an incredibly natural feeling.

* In Mississippi, it is a GIVEN that you want Ranch with your fried whatever. They don't even ask.

* You CAN teach Italian men to swear in a southern drawl.

* A cab ride from Hal and Mal's is much more fun when you're riding with a person dressed as a Tabasco bottle.

* "Fucking is normally reserved for Friday."

* Green bucket hats are all the rage.

* Grits are gooooood.

* Funeral directors are easily cooerced to give you their ties.

* Sharpies serve a multitude of purposes.

* Randall Wallace has GREAT legs.

That's it. That's the list.

posted by just-maggie at 8:46 p.m.
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