September 17, 2004

4:19 p.m.

Bloody tails and plastic crawfish

What I last ate
What I last drank
Song in my head

I find the first few statements of my last entry horribly ironic as I have been too busy to make an entry for a whole freakin' month.

What I've been doing:

Got a smokin' new job. SMOKIN' I tell ya.

Planning surprise Mardi Gras themed party for my husband's birthday. He's a Saints fan and they play the Cardinals here on his birthday. I have 3 dozen moonpie's under my desk, 12 feather masks, a Bourbon Street street sign, and 144 small plastic crawfish under my desk.

I lost two pounds.

My daughter shat on me in the middle of a family night type thing at my husband's work.

I've planned a weekend away. Just husband and I. No baby. I am about as excited about this as I tweenager at boy band concert.

My dog has wagged all the hair off her tail. Now, when she wags her tail, the poor boney stick of a tail bleeds and gets blood all over the place. She doesn't seem to care.

I have treated myself to the most amazing thing in the whole wide world. I now pay someone else to clean my house. This is, by far, work every single penny.

Now, go forth unto the weekend and rejoice.

posted by just-maggie at 4:19 p.m.
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